Category 3
3a: Biped Micro Robot Competition
3b: Multiple Legged Robot Competition
Competition by the running time from the start point to the goal point on a course with a straight route and continuous curves. The layout of the course is shown in Figure 1.
The size of the robot is limited to less than 38.9 mm x 38.9 mm x 38.9 mm. The size of the robot will be measured by the judges before the competition. There are no restrictions on the control method. (Wired control is allowed, but wireless control is recommended.)
Category 3a targets robots that mimic human structures or human walking, and the number of legs on the robot is limited to two. Category 3b allows any type of robot that moves with legs. (The combination of wheels and legs is very unique, but they are classified in category 4.)
The time limit is 3 minutes. If the robot falls off the course or stops moving, it can be manually restarted from the same location, but a penalty of 5 seconds will be added to the running time for each occurrence.
Figure 1: Layout of course.
The following actions will incur a penalty of 5 seconds added to the running time per occurrence:
Touching the robot during the competition.
Manipulating the robot by the cable's movement.
Moving the competition platform or table using the body, etc.
Penalty judged to be appropriate by the referee.