Robomech2023 Public event

30th Micro Robot Maze Contest

Date                           : July 1st, 2023 (Sat.)

Place                          :Nagoya Congress Center (

Entry Form             :

Entry Deadline     : June 23rd, 2023 (Fri.)

Joint Event             : VR Robot Making Workshop (Detail)

Micro-robots incorporate various technical fields such as MEMS, micro-assembly, actuators, sensors, and microcomputers, making micro-robotics one of the most important key technologies in modern society. The International Micro Robot Maze Contest was established in 1993 to promote related technologies. Since then, many participants have challenged the maze navigation with various micro-robots. 

Category (The rules will be displayed when you select a category photo.)

Category 0

Micro Robot Racer

Category 1

Micro Robot Maze Competition

Category 2a

Fully Autonomous Micro Robot Maze Competition

Category 2b

Remote-controlled Autonomous Micro Robot Maze Competition

Category 3a

Biped Micro Robot Competition

Category 3b

Multiple Legged Robot Competition

Category 4

Micro Robot Performance


2023.05.02 Open of homepage.

2023.05.02 Start the entry for the contest.


Hisataka Maruyama (Nagoya University)

Contact information

Secretariat of the Micro Robot Maze Contest Executive Committee 

Room 425, EI building, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

Tel: 052-789-5026,Fax: 052-789-5027, E-mail:

All right reserved Steering Committee on International Micro Robot Maze Contest since 1992.